Wasp LispWasp Lisp - a Small Scheme-like Lisp
Using the Wasp Lisp Secure Remote Injection Framework (MOSREF)
Wasp Lisp Respository Moves to Github
WaspVM (Wasp Lisp) on github
Scott Dunlop's Google site dedicated to WaspVM
Bleeding edge librep (version 0.92.2 as of Fri, 16 Sep 2011; Sawfish)
Former official librep (on sourceforge; at version 0.90.5; John Harper)
librep Manual (John Harper)
Prolog & Logic Programming
Logic, Programming and Prolog (2ed), by Ulf Nilsson and Jan Maluszynski
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson and Sussman
LispMachine.Net, On-line books (and other resources) on Lisp
Lisp Outside the Box, by Nick Levine (to be published by O'Reilly but never finished)
Lisperati, by Conrad Barski
Web Tech
Weblocks on Vimeo
Serving Gambit Web Applications behind Apache
Getting Real, by 37Signals
Dive into HTML5, by Mark Pilgrim
Simulation & Optimization
Andrew Goldberg's Network Optimization LibraryCS 177 - Modeling and simulation